Methodology & About Us
This website contains information about the financial exclusions by 93 financial institutions in 17 countries, covering 5534 companies from 135 countries.
The exclusion lists were retrieved and compiled into one large dataset. The downloadable version of the exclusion list includes all the source information.
The exclusion motivations varied in terminology between different financial institutions, thus, this research created standardized exclusion motivation categories. This website includes companies that have been listed by name on an exclusion list and, also, companies that have been excluded from finance via sector exclusions. Sector exclusions are indicated in column O of the dataset.
Only exclusions that apply to all investments and/or all financing in a company by a financial institution have been included.

Many financial institutions publish an exclusion list of all or some of the companies they will not finance and/or invest in.
On this website you will find a list of companies that have been publically excluded by financial institutions. The reasons for this exclusion may vary from human rights violations to environmental impact and corruption.
The fact that a company has been excluded by one or more financial institutions indicates that these financial institutions consider the Environmental, Social and Governance (ESG)risks related to these companies too high to invest in those companies, or provide credit to them
Financial institutions that continue financing companies on the exclusion lists of other financial institutions may be at reputational risk and may be questioned on their reasons to maintain their support.

This list was last updated in September 2024. Exclusion lists are dynamic. Some companies may have been removed, and new ones may have been added, since the last update.

About Us
The Exclusion List website is an initiative by:
BankTrack, Both ENDS, Fair Finance International, Gezondheidsfondsen voor Rookvrij (Health Funds for a Smokefree Netherlands), Milieudefensie (Friends of the Earth Netherlands), PAX, Profundo Research Foundation, Rainforest Action Network, and the Environmental Paper Network.
For more information, corrections or comments, please contact us.
The organizations that have participated in compiling and publishing this database of excluded companies have exercised reasonable care to collect current information that is made publicly available by the respective financial institutions.
This website is provided for informational purposes only and is not to be read or construed as providing endorsements, representations or warranties of any kind whatsoever. The participating organizations cannot and do not guarantee that all of the information on this website is complete or accurate. We caution users that they should check the original exclusion list and any subsequent updates provided by the applicable financial institution to confirm the exclusion status of a particular company.
We assume no responsibility for errors in the sources used or for changes after the date of publication. We will periodically update this website and the database of excluded companies and will provide the date of our most recent update. However, exclusion lists are dynamic, and some companies may have been removed or added since our last update.